Basic Powerboat Cruising Training Course Pompano Beach


Your Gateway to a more challenging boat activity. Designed upon the Safe Powerboat Handling Certification or upon your single outboard experience, you are now ready to take on navigation medium to large boats with more power, by safely operate a twin outboard engine powerboat and improve their overall boat handling skills to the next powerboat level.


Course Description:

 On-The Water Sessions

·         U.S. Coast Guard required safety equipment.

·         Engine, Electrical, Bilge Pump, Head Systems and Starting Checks.

·         Forecast of local weather Recognition & Application.

·         Advance Docking and Close-Quarters Maneuvering.

·         Navigation (Piloting)

·         Navigation Rules, International-Inland.

·         Boat Control in Open Water.

·         Plotting & Tracking Safe Course Destination.

·         Chart & GPS Lat & Long Position.

·         Anchoring.

·         Man Overboard Rescue Procedure & Life Sling Application.

·         Estimated Position & Course to Steer by Distance, Time & Speed

·         VHF radio operation & distress channel usage.

·         Aids to Navigation, harbor and local waters.

·         Identify chart symbols and corresponding visual observations.

·         Compass course and a range with minimal rudder controls.

 Classroom Sessions

·         Safety Equipment, Regulations & Preparation.

·         Weather information sources.

·         Maneuvering Technique & Tactics.

·         Float plan strategy.

·         Applicable federal, state and local regulations.

·         Additional safety equipment for boat and location.

·         True, Variation, Magnetic, Deviation, Compass Calculations.

·         Estimated Position & Course to Steer by Distance, Time & Speed Calculations.

·         Trip planning by distance, time, speed, fuel consumption, and identifying local hazards.

·         Crew briefing, including how to move safely around a boat.

·         Proper fueling techniques and inherent dangers.

·         Dangers, symptoms and avoidance practices associated with carbon monoxide poisoning.

·         Prevention, symptoms and first aid treatment of heat emergencies, hypothermia and seasickness.

·         Buoys, day marks, regulatory marks and other marks) specific to local & ocean waters.

·         Navigation Rules, International-Inland, for collision avoidance and appropriate sound signals.

·         Navigation light requirements for recreational boats.

·         Water rescue including: Race Track, Life sling, Williamson Turn, constant visual contact, communications, rescue plan, sequence of maneuvers, boat handling.

Click here for full course description!

Call for registration information and availability!